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The Fix-It Discussion Panel: Replacing A Leaky Radiator

Author: Adam Gibbs  Date Posted:28 November 2019 

The Fix-It Discussion Panel: Replacing A Leaky Radiator
When it comes to fixing a car, the majority of people still look to the professionals to get the job done. However, as auto parts online are much more accessible to the public, this gives you the opportunity to learn the skills on your own. Last time, we discussed how to replace a side view mirror. Now, we move on to how to replace a car radiator if it is leaking.
The Danger of a Leaky Radiator
When you are driving, there are enough hazards around without having to add the car radiator to it. The main problem that you will have is the engine overheating if your radiator is not working properly, as its job is to keep the engine as cool as possible. If you are on a long journey, you will find that this becomes too much for the engine, and it may cause damage that you would struggle to reverse without considerable expense. Not only would this be annoying and inconvenient, but it could also be unsafe. Luckily, replacing the radiator is not difficult and is possible to do yourself.
How to Seal your Radiator
If you find your radiator is leaking, there are a few things that you can do to fix the problem in the short term:

  1. First, find out where the leak is coming from. To do this, you will need to run the engine. Make sure you let the engine cool once you know where the leak is, or you may burn yourself.
  2. Undo the radiator cap, which should look something like this.

Picture by WikiHow

  1. Then, you will be able to plug the leak with filler. This is something that is only temporary and you should be sure to replace the radiator as soon as possible. At the very least, you’ll need to get it checked, but this short-term fix can stop any immediate issues.

How to replace the radiator

  1. First, you need to ensure there is nothing attached to the radiator. This means that any pipes or hoses should be removed before taking the radiator out.
  2. Place a garden hose into the hole where the coolant hose was and pump water through it until you see that the water leaving is clear. Allow it to drain again before continuing.
  3. If the fan motor is attached to the radiator, you must remove this. You may find that it is attached by bolts, in which case you will need the correct equipment to undo it.
  4. Once you have done this and you are sure that there is nothing more in the way, you will be able to remove your radiator. If you notice it is unable to move right away, you should ensure there is nothing left in place that you have forgotten to remove. Before you take it out fully, you should make sure you are aware of how it fits back in, so that you can place the new one in easily.

Picture by WikiHow

  1. In order to replace the radiator, the above steps must be repeated in backwards order. It is vital that you do this carefully, as you don’t want to make a mistake at any point. Once you are sure that everything is in the right place, you can add your coolant to the system and you’re ready to go.

Enjoy your new found skills!
Now that you know how to temporarily fix and further replace a radiator, you should find you can deal with such issues on your own without having to consult a professional.
Next time, we will discuss how to replace a car door handle. This is something that can be really useful to know, saving you a lot of time and money that you might have spent taking your vehicle to be repaired.

Your can read more blogs written by Adam Gibbs right here.

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